Reinhard Nöhammer, A-2095 Drosendorf, Wolfsbach 9, Mobil: 0664-115 36 19 e-Mail:
Reinhard Nöhammer
A-2095 Drosendorf, Wolfsbach 9
Mobil: 0664-115 36 19
Illusory architecture, shadow painting, grisaille, three-dimensional painting and multi-coloured three-dimensional painting
This refers to painting on grey surfaces. By adroit painting of "light and shade", the flat grey surface begins to appear three-dimensional and a perfect optical illusion is created. A trompe l'oeil could be said to have been created.
Other names for it are illusory architecture, shadow painting or architecture painting, grisaille, three-dimensional painting and multi-coloured three-dimensional painting (if executed on coloured surfaces) This technique can be wonderfully combined with other techniques such as wood painting and marble painting. Borders or ornaments can be depicted deceivingly true-to-life. Such designs can be found in my wood painting, marble painting or stone painting.
By clicking on the images you can view the three-dimensional paintings I have completed.
Three-dimensionally painted medallion on a smooth surface.
DBy correctly placing the bright and dark shades, the effect is that of a three-dimensional painting. This grisaille – Cupid – was painted with fine acrylic colours.
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Painted rosette on smooth surface. By using precisely modulated colour shades and adhering to the laws of light and shade, an optical illusion is created. On the flat surface the painting appears to have a three-dimensional or elevated effect. A painted illusion or a trompe l'oeil could be said to have been created.
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Reconstruction of the almost completely destroyed painting (grisaille) on the main ceiling in Rappoltenkirchen Castle. Design from the 19th century by architect Theophil Hansen.
The underlying surface for this grisaille was prepared by means of injection-moulding. In other words, I injected (dotted) the entire surface in two colours using old, no longer available, injection brushes. These "myriad points" create a stone-like impression and form the basis for the subsequent lining work.
By correct lining of the carefully mixed shades, the surface begins to take on a three-dimensional appearance. An optical illusion of stucco borders and recesses is thus created.
A stencilling technique – meander – was employed for the inner edge of the ceiling on an injected surface.
Project under construction
Faux Moldings Profiles on smooth door leaf. In order to do away with the monotonous appearance of these new security doors, it was decided to replace the non-existent ogees with paint. Grisaille was used for this purpose.
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You can find some information and images of the painting technique used in grisaille on my website "".